在现代前端开发中,UI组件库的应用越来越广泛,它们极大地提高了开发效率,减少了重复劳动。而Vue CLI(Command Line Interface)作为Vue.js官方提供的命令行工具,更是为开发者提供了快速搭建和开发Vue.js项目的强大功能。本文将深入揭秘Vue CLI如何一键打造UI开发,加速项目进程。

一、Vue CLI 简介

Vue CLI是一个官方提供的一站式前端开发工具,旨在简化Vue.js项目的搭建、开发、测试和部署过程。它集成了Webpack、Babel等主流前端工具,为开发者提供了一套完整的前端开发环境。


在开始使用Vue CLI之前,你需要确保以下环境已经安装:

  1. Node.js和npm:Vue CLI依赖于Node.js和npm(或yarn),请确保它们已经安装在你的系统上。
  2. Vue CLI:通过npm全局安装Vue CLI。
npm install -g @vue/cli


使用Vue CLI创建新项目非常简单,只需在命令行中执行以下命令:

vue create my-project


3.1 选择预设模板

Vue CLI提供了一系列预设模板,包括:

  • Manually select features:手动选择需要的特性,适合定制化项目。
  • Babel:使用Babel进行代码转译。
  • ESLint:使用ESLint进行代码风格检查。
  • Router:集成Vue Router。
  • Vuex:集成Vuex状态管理。

3.2 配置插件

在创建项目的过程中,你可以选择安装各种插件来扩展项目功能。例如,你可以安装Element UI、Vuetify等UI库。

vue create my-project
Vue CLI v4.5.12
? Please pick a preset (Use arrow keys)
  > Manually select features
? Check the features to include in your project:
  ( ) Babel
  ( ) TypeScript
  ( ) Progressive Web App (PWA) Support
  ( ) Router
  ( ) Vuex
  ( ) CSS Pre-processors
  ( ) Linter / Formatter
  ( ) Unit Testing
  ( ) E2E Testing
? Choose Vue version
  > 2.x
? Pick CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer)
  > SCSS
? Pick a linter / formatter config
  > Standard
? Pick additional lint features
  > Lint and fix on commit
? Where do you prefer running your tests?
  > In dedicated test files
? Use custom runner for unit tests?
  > No
? Where do you prefer running your tests?
  > In a separate runner
? Pick test runner (+ setup)
  > Jest
? Pick a renderer for the test runner
  > Node
? Pick a formatter for the test runner results
  > JUnit
? Where do you prefer running your tests?
  > In a separate runner
? Pick a linter / formatter config
  > Standard
? Pick additional lint features
  > Lint and fix on commit
? Pick a code formatter
  > Prettier
? Choose Vue version
  > 3.x
? Pick CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer)
  > SCSS
? Pick a linter / formatter config
  > ESLint + Prettier
? Pick additional lint features
  > Lint and fix on commit
? Where do you prefer running your tests?
  > In a separate runner
? Pick test runner (+ setup)
  > Jest
? Pick a renderer for the test runner
  > Node
? Pick a formatter for the test runner results
  > JUnit
? Pick a code formatter
  > Prettier
? Choose a build setup
  > Manually select features
? Check the features to include in your project:
  ( ) Babel
  ( ) TypeScript
  ( ) Progressive Web App (PWA) Support
  ( ) Router
  ( ) Vuex
  ( ) CSS Pre-processors
  ( ) Linter / Formatter
  ( ) Unit Testing
  ( ) E2E Testing
? Choose Vue version
  > 2.x
? Pick CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer)
  > SCSS
? Pick a linter / formatter config
  > Standard
? Pick additional lint features
  > Lint and fix on commit
? Where do you prefer running your tests?
  > In dedicated test files
? Use custom runner for unit tests?
  > No
? Where do you prefer running your tests?
  > In a separate runner
? Pick test runner (+ setup)
  > Jest
? Pick a renderer for the test runner
  > Node
? Pick a formatter for the test runner results
  > JUnit
? Pick a code formatter
  > Prettier
? Choose a build setup
  > Vue 3 + TypeScript + Progressive Web App (PWA) Support
? Check the features to include in your project:
  ( ) Babel
  ( ) TypeScript
  ( ) Progressive Web App (PWA) Support
  ( ) Router
  ( ) Vuex
  ( ) CSS Pre-processors
  ( ) Linter / Formatter
  ( ) Unit Testing
  ( ) E2E Testing
? Choose Vue version
  > 2.x
? Pick CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer)
  > SCSS
? Pick a linter / formatter config
  > Standard
? Pick additional lint features
  > Lint and fix on commit
? Where do you prefer running your tests?
  > In dedicated test files
? Use custom runner for unit tests?
  > No
? Where do you prefer running your tests?
  > In a separate runner
? Pick test runner (+ setup)
  > Jest
? Pick a renderer for the test runner
  > Node
? Pick a formatter for the test runner results
  > JUnit
? Pick a code formatter
  > Prettier


创建项目后,Vue CLI会自动生成一个结构清晰的项目目录。以下是项目的基本目录结构:

├── public/
│   ├── index.html
│   └── .gitkeep
├── src/
│   ├── assets/
│   ├── components/
│   ├── views/
│   ├── App.vue
│   ├── main.js
│   └── router/index.js
├── package.json
├── README.md
└── .gitignore



npm run serve

这将在本地启动一个开发服务器,并打开默认浏览器访问你的项目。在开发过程中,你可以使用Vue CLI提供的各种命令来管理项目,例如:

  • npm run build:构建生产环境的代码。
  • npm run lint:检查代码风格。
  • npm run test:运行单元测试。


Vue CLI是一款非常强大的工具,可以帮助开发者快速搭建和开发Vue.js项目。通过本文的介绍,相信你已经对Vue CLI有了更深入的了解。现在,就开始使用Vue CLI一键打造你的UI项目吧!